Category Archives: serial

Serial – The podcast that got me hooked


I usually read when I travel to work… but I go through phases when it comes to reading. For about a month I can go through multiple books, then the next month I loose interest.

At the start of this month I was having one of those can’t be bothered reading moments. So I had a think about an alternative. I remembered having listened to one or two episodes of “The Ricky Gervais Show”, a podcast where him and two of his friends sit and talk about the world and their views on it.

I then found a easy listening sports podcast called “Fighting talk”, basically a snippet of a radio show on BBC radio.

But I wanted something a bit different, something that stimulates some thought. So i downloaded a load of the “Top Rated” podcasts hoping something would pop up.

I found myself listening to the firs episode of a podcast called “Serial”. Originally I thought this was just a fictional audiobook, written by some crime novelist, also available in book stores… but it was much more.

Basically Sarah Koenig, a american radio personality hosts this series, which is an investigation into the 1999 murder of Hae Min Lee, in Baltimore, Maryland. The series explores the evidence, defence and prosecution of Adnan Syed, who was convicted for the murder.

Sarah explores all of the storylines, interviewing Adnan and many of those involved or around on the day of the killing, and the podcast itself bring serious questions about the truth in the case.

I am about half way through the series just now, but would urge everyone to give this a listen. I will no doubt blog some more about my own thoughts on the case and the podcast itself, but want to reach the end before I do so, to ensure I’ve heard the lot.

One day I believe Adnan is innocent, the next I don’t buy his story.

Give it a listen..
